Intel Dreamhack
Intel wanted to create a cool space aligning with its global campaign, UNLEASH YOUR BRILLIANCE, which highlighted its newest lineup of gaming processors and how they can offer amazing speed, performance, power, and all of this in the lightest of laptops.

Rather than giving the expected gaming competitions, we wanted to offer something unique from all the other booths. We gave participants the chance to compete in the physical gaming world, by letting them become their own avatars and really UNLEASH THEIR BRILLIANCE.
We aligned with intel’s main laptop USPS and created hands-on activations and trials that tested their avatar's ability with power, speed, and lightweight performance. We measured everyone’s results and the top scorer for each event each day won a prize and then the top scoring avatar for all events was crowned the grand champion.
Seeing that computer gaming is important, we of course flexed our super-powered tech with a gaming area where people could compete digitally and take home amazing processors and titles for being the best.